Program of Study

Draft Schedule

The schedule below outlines my completed, in progress, and planned courses.
Courses listed Summer 2023 and later are tentative and will depend on availability.

Year 1

Fall 2022

✓ EDIT 8990 Doctoral Seminar I
✓ EDIT 8100E Foundations of LDT
✓ EDIT 8190 Design & Dev Tools
✓ GRSC 7001 GradFirst

Milestones: ✓ Self-reflection,
✓ Mentorship Conversation Form

Spring 2023

✓ EDIT 9600 Ed Research in IT (1)
✓ EDIT 8900 Adv Research in IT
✓ LLOD 8205E Leading from Within

Milestones: ✓ First-Year Portfolio Review,
✓ Conference Proposal

Summer 2023

✓ EDIT 9600 Ed Research in IT (1)
✓ LLOD 7020 Adult Learning & Instruction

Year 2

Fall 2023

✓ EDIT 8990 Doctoral Seminar II
✓ EDIT 7170E Advanced Instructional Design
✓ EDIT 9990 Doctoral Topic Seminar

Milestones: ✓ Research Showcase

Spring 2024

✓ EDIT 9000 for EDIT 9630 Literature Review
✓ LLOD 8430 Organizational Coaching Methods and Practice

Milestones:✓ Publication Requirement
✓ Form Advisory Committee

Summer 2024

ERSH 6300E Applied Statistical Methods
QUAL 8400E Qualitative Research
EDIT 9600 Ed Research in IT (2)

Milestones: Plan Comprehensive Exam

Year 3

Fall 2024

EDIT 9600 Ed Research in IT (2)
ERSH 8310 Applied Analysis
EDIT 9990 Doctoral Topic Seminar

Milestones: Comprehensive Exam,
Teaching Experience

Spring 2025

EDIT 9000 Doctoral Research
8000/9000 Research Methods Course
EDIT 7460 Internship in Instructional Tech

Milestones: Prospectus,
Admission to Candidacy

Summer 2025

EDIT 9000 Doctoral Research

Year 4

Fall 2025

EDIT 9000: Doctoral Research

Milestones: Data Collection, Data Analysis

Spring 2026

EDIT 9300: Doctoral Research

Milestones: Dissertation Defense

Summer 2026

Take an epic vacation as Dr. Gilstrap.

Publish with major professor, other faculty, or student colleagues.

Advisement Guide

Required LDT Courses

Course Hours Semester
EDIT 8100E Foundations 3 Fall 2022 ✓
EDIT 8190 Design & Development Tools 3 Fall 2022 ✓
EDIT 8990 Doctoral Research Seminar: Part 1 1 Fall 2022 ✓
EDIT 8990 Doctoral Research Seminar: Part 2 1 Fall 2023 ✓
EDIT 9630 Critique of Research Literature in IT 3 Spring 2024 ✓
EDIT 9600 Readings (w/ Advisor) 6 Spring 2023 (1), Fall 2023 (1), Summer 2024 (2), Fall 2024 (2)
EDIT 9000 Doctoral Research 9 Spring 2025, Summer 2025, Fall 2025
EDIT 9300 Doctoral Dissertation 3 Spring 2026

Required Research Methods Courses

Course Hours Semester
EDIT 8900 Advanced Research Methods in Instructional Technology 3 Spring 2023 ✓
EDIT 8310 Applied Analysis of Variance Methods in Education 3 Fall 2024
QUAL 8400 Qualitative Research Traditions 3 Summer 2024
An 8000- or 9000-level research methods course 3 Spring 2025

Cognate Courses

Course Hours Semester
LLOD 8205E Leading from Within 3 Spring 2023 ✓
LLOD 7020 Adult Learning & Instruction 3 Summer 2023 ✓
LLOD 8430 Organizational Coaching Methods and Practice 3 Spring 2024 ✓

Advanced ID Electives

Course Hours Semester
EDIT 7170E Advanced ID 3 Fall 2023 ✓
EDIT 9990 Doctoral Topic Seminar 3 Fall 2023 ✓
EDIT 9990 Doctoral Topic Seminar 3 Fall 2024